Saturday, 18 May 2013

Renovation Project - Dilemma's - We need your help

Renovation Project - Dilemma's - We need your help

The new bedroom is almost finished, the bed is in, the wardrobe has been built the floors are stained and varnished; the mirror is attached to the wall. All that is left now is the bits and pieces that can be done at any time, such as fitting new curtains, the last coat of paint and some plastic trim around the shower, the floor is that out of line we cannot do anything other than add some trim.

The curtains are the biggest problem as we cannot decide what to put there, we had planned on big draped curtains covering both windows but now that we have the oak beams we want to make sure that these are seen, John suggested curtains inside the reveals but that would mean the windows would not open as they open internally, I look at roller blinds but the reveals are angled so the sun would seep through at the sides, (they couldn’t  go next to the window as the window handles protrude too far) which would make blinds pointless.

I want to have wooden shutters but because the window sills are so low we are going to have to add metal rails at the front of the external sill (these are a must!)

For the time being John attaches some curtains and we will have to ponder this some more, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

The back bedroom is emptied and John plaster boards the wall by the window, we then sand the floor and give it a really good clean ready for varnishing.


  1. How about a transparent curtain pole, long enough across the top that you could push the curtains to the sides all the way beyond the reveal of the windows?
    That way the curtains would still frame the window, and the transparent pole would still show the oak beams.

    1. Have you remembered where you saw the transparent curtain pole yet???? lol :) x

  2. No suggestions as yet but must say the room is looking great, I love your bed!!!!!

    1. thanks Jacqui, it's so nice to sleep in a nearly there bedroom and the bed is fantastic :)

  3. Jenny,

    Why not hang the large wide curtains from the ceiling - you'll see the beams when they are open and won't care when they are closed. Worked on our old cottage in England



    1. thanks David

      we have considered this but I have to be honest and say that I only like curtains that drape, yes I know John rolled his eyes as well lol

  4. Take a trip to Ikea in Brest and have a look at DIGNITET curtain wire. It's about €10. Would look good with the beams.

    Personally, prefer shutters and no curtains. You can get blinds that will fit on the window, but can be a bit costly.

    1. Thanks David, we'll take a look, and yes definitely agree about the shutters, but it is a toss up between the shutters and the iron rail, which I also love and which is required for safety

      Many thanks

  5. Jenny,

    You can get folding shutters which only take up about 6" space outside the window so you can have the bars as well.


    1. Hi David those were the ones we had planned on using but the windows are reasonably new and have wooden sills that take up a few inches of the granite window sill

  6. How about folding internal shutters, will still see your beam and won't interfere with petite balcone outside for safety
    you could also hang transparant voiles/muslins on this IKEA silver wire to draw for privacy without blocking light

    gill coteetcampagne

    1. Hi Gill

      Unfortunately the reveals are not straight so this option is nt going to work, though we will definitely be having the voile panels :)

  7. Hi Everybody

    thank you so much for all of your suggestions, I feel bad that I cannot use any of them, so we have decided to leave these windows for a while (until the frustration wears off lol)

    we will let you know when we have come up with something but please keep the ideas coming

  8. Hi,

    To be honest I would opt for shutters. It's a little more French, and it really keeps the summer heat/winter cold out (experience from my parents place near Cahors).

    Good luck!

    1. Hi

      the shutters is the choice, the problem is with the shape of the windows, but hopefully we may have just found a compromise :)
