Saturday, 10 May 2014

Renovation Project - An anti climax!

Renovation Project - An anti climax!

We arrive back in France and it is such a strange feeling, we empty the car and what an anti climax, it is the strangest feeling, we are here, but the website isn't finished, the house is and we are not having to get to work on the house straight away.

The house is still clean and ready, what do we do? We are so used to just working constantly this is really weird.

I'm also feeling really gutted that my daughter and granddaughter are not joining us, they were meant to be coming over for a couple of weeks but it didn't work out, I am totally lost. This is not what I was expecting.

We spend the next couple of days having a major spring clean making sure that everything is perfect but without the website we will not get any bookings.

I start to feel more and more down, this is not how it should be, but the having nothing to do, does not last long, I am busy trying to get the website sorted and then realise I have to get the business tax sorted and registered as a business, arrange to have the tourist office come out to view the house and register with the tourist board, the Carte Vitale sorted and the health top up sorted, I am back to being busy and stressed in no time.

John finds more work to do on the house, he is going to build our kitchen terrace, this is the bit of the house I have looked forward to the most, we buy the wood and decking when we go shopping.

The area is very uneven so John has to make a frame for the decking to go on. This decking will hide all of the pipework that is currently on view, we had considered putting flag stones on here, but it would have taken so much concrete that it would have cost a fortune, plus we would not have had access to the pipework, this is the best way forward.

The terrace is in place and next it is the fence, this is to be the same as the fence around the top patio. Once finished it looks just as I imagined it would, this is definitely my favourite bit of the house. This is also a bit just for us and for the grandchildren when they arrive, it is a kitchen terrace for adults or somewhere safe for the children to play (a baby cage in other words!)

Tomorrow I will feel better and I can talk about the experiences of registering the B&B but for now I am going to go to bed, my head is going to explode, so much for it all being better once we have finished the work, obviously that was the easy part (though we would never have thought that whilst we were building the house!)


  1. Well done Jenny & John, it is all looking great, one thing I have noticed on different groups is that Gite owners are always asking for B&B's for their visitors to stay at on route to their gite, might be worth getting a list of Gite owners and giving them your details - good luck
