Thursday, 20 February 2014

Renovation project - B&B permission comes through!

Renovation project - B&B permission comes through!

It’s raining again and we have now got to do something about the back door, the rain is sneaking in underneath it and this is going to ruin our new tiled floor as the tiles are laminate flooring, if they get too wet they will lift and start to move.

John sets too building a drip bar, this is a bevelled piece of wood screwed to the bottom of the door and will stop the rain coming in, once this is added he adds a weather bar to the entrance. The floor is so uneven and wobbly he has to reform the step with concrete; luckily he now has his rapid hardener and adds this to the mix. (This is a chemical cement additive from Wickes if you are wondering; John just fell into fits of giggles when I talked about his rapid hardener!!!!!!)  The rain holds off just long enough to fit everything and for the concrete to set.

John also brushed a cement and SBR slurry coat over the bottom of the walls around the back door as a damp proofer. We still have a slight damp problem around the back door, John climbed in to next doors garden and we have found out why, the gutter was leaking badly and broken and there were holes in the wall with trees growing in them! John fixes the gutter temporarily (our next door neighbour is an elderly lady who has now sealed her back door and does not go out) at some point we will have to do some work on this part of her garden, we could not possible expect her to do it.

This is something to be aware of if buying a property like this, if you have very elderly neighbours who require maintenance work that affects your house, what will you do? We love our neighbour and she has made us so welcome, it is easier for us to just do any work rather than go to the Mairie, which is your other option, ask the Mairie to contact your neighbours to complete the work.

I have set too with the stain and varnish on all of the skirting boards in the living room and hall way, this means that all of the visible wood will be the same colour, the colour we have chosen is in keeping with the house style as dark red wood seems to be in all of the houses in this area.

The next few weeks are going to be spent on decorating and getting all of the little jobs completed as we have received our stamped and signed request for opening as a B&B, we have until Easter to get finished, not that we want to put too much pressure on ourselves!


  1. It's all coming together now, isn't it? Fortunately this year Easter is the weekend 21/22 April - You've got two months!

  2. Way to go you two, you are rapidly going through everything and finally will get your dream, keep going, you will do it :)

  3. thanks, it really is mad at the moment, but it doesn't help that I am now desperately learning French, My Franglais will not be good enough when we open up. So its now 2 months to finish and learn French!!!!!
