Thursday, 31 July 2014

Renovation Project - Hair gate!

Renovation Project - Hair gate!

Well it's all change today, and we have now realised there maybe a problem with our collecton service. The new guest arrives at Roscoff at 9am and our old guests have a check out at 11 am, with the room to be ready by 4pm. It is now that we realise what the heck do we do with our new guest until the room is ready, will she be un impressed with having to sit and wait??????
Our worries are short-lived, she arrives with John during breakfast, so we sit her on the garden terrace with a fresh croissant and a cup of coffee, she is more than happy!

We have a great week and the guest quickly becomes more of a friend than a guest, we enjoy meals out and meals in and more than the odd glass of wine.
We go to view the property that she is interested in and all seems good, but we are back to the dog problem, I have managed to find somebody to come to the Mairie with us as a translator and this meeting goes well, but there is a pile of documents that need to be collected next week.
All is good, and the sun is shining, so its fingers crossed that the house and the news from the Mairie gives all that is required.
We do have a very upsetting moment this week, we have new guests in, who arrive early and the room is not quite ready, all the bedding is freshly laundered, but we are still waiting for the last bit to dry on the washing line, I explain that the room will ready in a few moments, this is not a problem as they are going to explore the area.
The room is sorted when they get back and they are really happy with it.
But a few moments late one of them come down and ask if the sheet is clean!!!!! I am horrified, I go to check it and there is a hair on the sheet, I look at it and it is one of mine, I want to curl up and die at this moment, I apologise profusely, as there are also a few bits on it as well, it is from the grass where the sheets have been hung out to dry.

The guest is fine and says she is happy for me to shake it, but I strip the bed again and use the rest of the fresh linen and then re wash everything to be sure.

This is the first time that anything has gone wrong,, it may not seem like a lot but I am so gutted, we have prided ourselves on the standard that we offer, so this one stray hair may well have been a big dirty stain (you may remember that I am prone to over reacting).
It takes a long time to get over this incident that has since been referred to as 'Hair-gate' actually I'm still not over it and could cry every time I remember it.

But life is about learning, and I have now learnt that the grass must be cut if we are using the washing line and I must wear my hair tied up!!!!!!!!


  1. Sounds like you're doing a fantastic job. There's bound to be the odd little thing every now and then. X

  2. You live and you learn Jenny
    I have and probably will make worse mistakes in the future!!


    1. Thanks, we check every thing a hundred times now :) x

  3. Great post Jenny! I always check the sheets as I put them on the bed- with my reading glasses on just to be sure. Even clean sheets can have hairs stuck to them! I also look for insects that may get stuck in them when they're out on the line :)

  4. Hi

    We have had a comment that was not really in the ethos of the blog, but maybe it just appeared that way as sometimes a comment in a few words may come across differently to how it was meant. But it did raise a couple of points that I may not have covered in detail, so I will answer the points.

    If you are working in France, everything that you earn and do must be declared, the equivalent of the Chambres of commerce will help you and let you know what you can do (legally!).

    We do not and never will work on the black (this is working and earning money without declaring it)

    If you are going to carry people in your car you must have business insurance on your car and your car should be insured in France (ours is and we do have this insurance cover, we used Allianz who gave us all of the options and we chose to have the most comprehensive cover)

    If you are a french resident your car must be registered in France, we are in the process of doing this, and once complete we will post our experience and let you know the process that is required.

    I hope I answered all of the points in the anonymous comment and thank you for raising them, I would hate to think that anybody thought we were doing anything illegal, especially as we tell the world what we are doing!
